MPact works to produce a series of toolkits to encourage information exchange between our global constituents and partners. Topics range from emerging HIV prevention strategies to innovative research and advocacy updates.
Human Rights Violation Incident Assessment and Documentation Tool
Report an Incident | Download the Tool
Building The Cultural Foundation Toolkit

Decriminalization advocacy is ultimately about changing laws and policies; however, many GBMSM are living in contexts where direct lobbying or protesting of leadership is unlikely to result in meaningful change or may even provoke a backlash. This publication is meant to briefly provide suggested activities for advocates to strategically focus their efforts on social and cultural change-makers who have the potential to shift culture, are more likely to respond to community advocacy, and build momentum for eventual policy change.
Men who have sex with men have played a central role in designing and implementing HIV prevention, treatment, care and support programs since the start of the HIV epidemic. For more than 30 years, their expertise, creativity, energy and fortitude have shaped the global response to the epidemic in important and indelible ways. The MSM Implementation Toolkit (MSMIT) seeks to honor and support the legacy forged by men who have sex with men at the community level and which they continue to create. It therefore gives particular attention to programs run or led by men who have sex with men themselves, in contexts where this is possible.
Download the MSMIT English | French | Portuguese | Spanish | Russian
MPact designed the Speaking Out Initiative in 2010 for a broad, global audience, with a rationale that expanding access to effective and tailored HIV programs must go hand-in-hand with strategies for supporting and resourcing rights- based advocacy. MPact recognizes that when human rights are protected, fewer people become infected, and those living with HIV and their families are better able to cope with the virus. This is especially important for sexual minorities and other marginalized groups.
The Activist’s Guide
This campaign gives our fellow LGBTI activists the information they need to fight stigma, discrimination, and violence around the world while still being sure to take care of themselves!
The Activists Guide to Self Care
The Activists Guide to Physical Security
The Community Leadership and Action Collaborative (CLAC) has developed a newly updated toolkit which aims to help to make the Global Fund policies and procedures more accessible to key populations, which is now available to download for free online. This is the second version of the Global Fund Toolkit developed by CLAC. The toolkit includes a facilitators guide, training module, and suggested agenda for a two to three days training workshop supported by PowerPoint slides, break out workshop exercises, detailed reference material and advice on sources of additional information and support.