Download the PrEP Curriculum Toolkit
MPact is proud to introduce a new toolkit and training module on generating demand for the HIV prevention pill pre-exposure prophylaxis, also known as PrEP among gay and bisexual men. This resource offers a menu of workshops, activities, and discussions that presenters can choose from to lead trainings in their communities.
The purpose of Mobilizing Demand for PrEP: A Training Curriculum for Gay and Bisexual Advocates is to give experienced presenters the ability to adapt these trainings to their regional contexts.
By the end of the training participants will be able to:
- Implement PrEP demand generation campaigns
- Define what a PrEP program is and the components of an action plan
- Develop a PrEP demand generation breakthrough initiative
- Discuss barriers to PrEP for gay and bisexual communities
- Identify means of overcoming these barriers
- Create an effective social marketing campaign
- Use the tools of an effective social marketing campaign
- Describe how PrEP pricing is developed
- Identify how to work with peer educators and healthcare providers
This curriculum was developed to facilitate regional and in-country PrEP Demand Generation trainings in Africa and Southeast Asia in 2019 and 2020 with our partners at ITPC and with support from Bridging the Gaps. The training is mapped out to be an intensive, interactive, and enjoyable experience that is informative, encourages creativity, and is rooted in the needs of gay, bisexual, and queer communities
Download the PrEP curriculum Toolkit
Stay tuned for an upcoming webinar introducing this important new resource