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This new technical brief titled “Roadmap for Key Populations Advocates Navigating the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB & Malaria” seeks to provide an overall snapshot of how the Global Fund mechanism works, to help key populations navigate the pathway to securing funding for their work. It offers toolkits, policy briefs, trainings and other materials that explain different steps of that process in more detail. It also includes case study examples of successful key population programs supported by the Global Fund, in hopes that they inspire creativity, innovation and persistence in driving this work forward.
This brief is intended for key populations advocates, organizers, networks and community members working to under-stand and make the most of resources and opportunities at the Global Fund. I can also be used by supportive allies, partner organizations, CCM members and all others who agree that KP communities can and should be the leaders of the HIV response for their communities.
The technical brief is part of an eight-part series from MPact’s Key Population Empowerment Leadership (KELP) program funded by FHI360 and ViiV Healthcare (U.K.). Be sure to stay tuned for upcoming announcements about the next technical briefs and webinars which will cover topics including:
- Normative Guidance for Comprehensive HIV and STI Prevention
- Advocates Guide to Prioritizing Key Populations in PEPFAR Processes
- Improving the PrEP Continuum of Care Among Key Populations in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Using social media for community mobilization and demand generation
- Designing effective structural interventions
- Principles and case examples of community-led monitoring
- Optimizing national HIV targets
- Using data for advocacy
The Key Population Empowerment Leadership Program is sponsored by