There is much to celebrate about PrEP. It is one more powerful tool in the fight against the HIV epidemic, like treatment, and U=U that ensures zero transmission risk. Other exciting recent advances include event-driven and injectable PrEP for gay and bisexual men who do not want to take a pill every day.
But we know that not everyone who should have access to PrEP, or wants access to it, can easily get it. This is especially true in an era where international resources for HIV, and HIV prevention in particular, are fast drying up.
We also know that transgender men who have sex with men have been excluded in HIV prevention research agendas, prompting the need for more advocacy and data collection. We must therefore act quickly and effectively to make PrEP access a reality for all gay men who can benefit from it. We must also fight stigma, including HIV-related stigma, homophobia, and transphobia using PrEP as an additional entry point in our advocacy
Learn More About Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis aka PrEP
Mobilizing Demand for PrEP: A Training Curriculum for Gay and Bisexual Advocates
Download the PrEP Curriculum Toolkit MPact is proud to introduce a new toolkit and training module on generating demand for the HIV prevention pill pre-exposure prophylaxis,
No More Lip Service: A Demand for PrEP Access from the Transgender Community
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Combining PrEP and ART could almost eliminate HIV infection, east African study finds
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CDC Statement on IPERGAY, PROUD, and Partners PrEP Study Results Presented at CROI
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