The Power of Twitter: Reaching People Living with HIV
Aisha Moore
Original Article:

Each week at, we evaluate metrics from our social media activity; we look for insights to refine how we serve our audiences, assess which of our content people are re-tweeting, liking and clicking through to and also, monitor trends in how many followers we gain and lose each week. While the numbers are just one piece of the puzzle, we hit a milestone recently – the number of people following on Twitter has reached 300,000.

This milestone made me think of all the times I’ve heard people say, “It’s not about the number of followers—it’s how you engage them.” 300,000 is a large follower base and it is also about a third of the number of people living with HIV in the United States. While it is important to remember that not every follower may be actively engaged on Twitter, this milestone is still a key opportunity to reach people most impacted by HIV, as well as those that serve and support them.  So we decided to take a closer look at what it could mean when our Twitter followers engaged with our content and shared it within their own social networks. And I was inspired to consider how we can together reach nearly all the 1.1 million people living with HIV (PLWH) in the United States.

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